Thursday, September 18, 2008

Working From the Ground Up by charen smith

The massive ad campaigns are always the ones that garner the most attention.
You're more likely to see the television ads playing during key programs than you are the cheaper slots late at night. You're more likely to see a brochure handed out during a large marketing push than you are the company casually getting a few brochures printed.
The large corporations are the ones releasing widespread marketing that everyone sees, and because of it, many people start to think that this is what marketing really is. If you aren't releasing huge ad campaigns like that than you aren't really marketing at all.
But most small companies can't afford to match such huge efforts, and would only get overshadowed if they did try.
Those big marketing pushes are only a small part of what real marketing actually is. You can have just as much success by using smaller ventures and other grassroots forms of marketing such as
poster printing.
Rather than blanket a massive area with hundreds of advertisements, you instead do research into a smaller area. You look into what people like, what things they're interested in, and what images best appeal to them.
Once you have this information you get to work getting those
custom posters out into the right places to gain the best attention. By knowing the area and the people you're going to have a better chance at getting interest than you would if you were just trying to target everyone at once.
The best kinds of marketing, and by far the most affordable, are those that aren't trying to gain everyone's attention at once, but instead making things more personal.
Focusing on a niche market helps you to hone in your message even more for the best results possible, but even if you're targeting a broad market, starting from the ground up can still give you a big advantage in the marketplace.
Too often those large companies focus only on their end, printing what they think will appeal to people rather than what someone is actually looking for. The only reason they get the sales that they do is because they're able to target so many people at once, they increase the odds of getting at least some attention.
But few companies have the budget for efforts like that. This is what makes the cheaper poster printing a better marketing tool to use for those without a bottomless pit of money to throw at their marketing.
The better you know the community you're marketing to the better positioned you'll be to get the most possible sales out of the smallest amount of marketing. Why spend more money on marketing than you have to, when all you need to do is lay some strong groundwork? No amount of money can make up for that.
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Poster Printing and Custom Posters

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